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The aim of ANALCO is to provide a forum for the presentation of original research in the analysis of algorithms and associated combinatorial structures. We invite both papers that study properties of ...
三亚国际数学论坛:Algelgeraic Topology,Geometry and Combinatorics of Manifolds
三亚国际数学论坛 Algelgeraic Topology Geometry Combinatorics of Manifolds
As one of most important objects in mathematics, ‘manifold’ has provided us more and more insights and benefits. In the past half century, more and more different areas in mathematics have been inters...
三亚国际数学论坛:Recent Advances in Extremal Combinatorics
三亚国际数学论坛 Recent Advances Extremal Combinatorics
Extremal Combinatorics is a rapidly developing branch of mathematics, which has many far-reaching applications in computer science, coding theory, operations research, biology, and other natural and s...
The Ninth Shanghai Conference on Combinatorics (9SHCC) will be held in Shanghai from May 24th to May 28th, 2017. There will be 50-minute invited talks and 25-minute contributed talks on combinatorial ...
Some of the Combinatorics Related To Michael’s Problem
Combinatorics Related Michael’s Problem
We present some new methods for constructing a Michael space, a regular Lindel ofspace which has a non-Lindel of product with the space of irrationals. The central result is a combinatorial statement ...
We study the free (associative, non-commutative) Baxter algebra on one generator.
The first explicit description of this object is due to Ebrahimi-Fard and
Guo. We provide an alternative description...
Combinatorics for the East Model
Number configuration statistical physics model web site zero n number of configuration
We study the number of configurations in the East model of statistical physics.
This may be pictured as sites in a line. The site at zero is always occupied. The site
at i > 0 can only be chan...
Limit theorem the monochromatic edge evenly random colors random graph
This paper proves limit theorems for the number of monochromatic edges in uniform random colorings of general random graphs. The limit theorems are universal depending solely on the limiting behavior ...
Combinatorics of balanced carries
Carries Markov chain Foulkes character Eulerian idempotent Determinantal process
We study the combinatorics of addition using balanced digits, deriving an analog of Holte’s “amazing matrix” for carries in usual addition. The eigenvalues of this matrix for base b balanced addition ...
Data occurred along the equalization algorithm minimize proportion
When numbers are added in the usual way carries occur along the route. These carries cause a mess and it is natural to seek ways to minimize them. This paper proves that balanced arithmetic minimizes ...
Gauss Sum Combinatorics and Metaplectic Eisenstein Series
Metaplectic Eisenstein Series Gauss Sum Combinatorics
For metaplectic covers of these groups, the Whittaker models may or may not be
unique. Gelbart and Piatetski-Shapiro considered the representations of the double
cover of SL2 that have unique Whitta...
Combinatorics and Statistical Inferencing D-Optimal Experimental Designs with Covering Array Attributes
Combinatorics Statistical Inferencing
Wh ile D-O p tim al exp er im ental d es ign s ar e u s ed w ith gr eat f r equ en cy in s u r f ace
r es p on s e an alys is th ey als o offer a m ech an is m to s cr een f actor s an d f actor inte...
This paper is a combinatorial and computational study of the moduli space Mtr g of tropical curves of genus g, the moduli space Atr g of principally polarized tropical abelian varieties, and the tropi...
Piecewise Linear Hamiltonian Flows Associated to Zero-Sum Games: Transition Combinatorics and Questions on Ergodicity
Piecewise Linear Hamiltonian Flows Zero-Sum Games
In this paper we consider a class of piecewise affine Hamiltonian vector fields whose orbits are piecewise straight lines. We give a first classification result of such systems and show that the orbit...
On the Combinatorics of the Boros-Moll Polynomials
Jacobi polynomials Boros-Moll polynomials reluctant function Meixner endofunction bi-colored permutation
The Boros-Moll polynomials arise in the evaluation of a quartic integral. The original double summation formula does not imply the fact that the coefficients of these polynomials are positive. Boros a...