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Immunity & Ageing|石河子大学生命科学学院刘海亮教授团队甘草活性成分作用机制又一重要发现:甘草酸通过结合S100钙结合蛋白A8抑制造血干细胞的髓系分化,提高老年小鼠的认知水平(图)
Immunity & Ageing 刘海亮 甘草 活性成分 S100钙 蛋白A8 造血干细胞 髓系分化
Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, CAS Colloquia & Seminars:Ageing Society in Developed Countries Challenges Carbon Mitigation
发达国家 老龄化社会 碳减排

2021年2月12日至4月15日,中国标准化研究院服务标准化研究所分别面向APEC/SCSC(亚太经合组织标准与合格评定分委会)成员经济体、ISO/TC 314(老龄化社会技术委员会)成员以及国内利益相关方开展了“老龄化包容性数字经济标准化”问卷调研活动。

广东医科大学崔理立课题组在衰老领域权威期刊《Ageing Research Reviews》发表长文综述(图)
广东医科大学 崔理立 课题组 衰老领域 权威 期刊 Ageing Research Reviews 长文
近日,广东医科大学崔理立课题组团队在衰老领域权威国际学术期刊《AgeingResearch Reviews》(中科院一区,IF10.37)在线发表了题为“SIRT2: Controversy and multiple roles in disease and physiology”的长文综述(https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S15...
湖南第一师范学院综合英语(二)课件Unit14 The Japanese Ageing Suit
湖南第一师范学院 综合英语(二) 课件 Unit14 The Japanese Ageing Suit
湖南第一师范学院综合英语(二)课件Unit14 The Japanese Ageing Suit。
Atlases are collections of illustrated data, often maps, which give an overview - as well as some details - of one or several topic areas. We noted that this description serves well especially for tra...
“老龄化与可持续发展(Ageing and SDGs)国际学术研讨会”会议通知
人口政策 老龄化
由中国人口学会、联合国人口基金与中国人民大学老年学研究所联合主办的“老龄化与可持续发展(Ageing and SDGs)国际学术研讨会”,将于2016年12月1-2日在中国人民大学逸夫会议中心召开。此次研讨会正值中国“十三五规划”开局之年,也是践行联合国“可持续发展目标”的起始年,人口老龄化进程对世界经济格局、社会发展、政策制度等方面产生了深远影响,我们需要科学精准地把握人口老龄化带来的机遇和挑战...
The main objective of this article is to make the projection of ageing index with relation
to infant mortality to examine the relation between dependency ratio and life
expectancy at birth. When old...
Is healthy ageing for all?The role of positive views on ageing in preparing for a healthy old age in a precarious context
healthy ageing positive views healthy old age precarious context
Demographic changes during the last decades constitute a challenge for ensuring better and not just longer lives for ageing individuals. Active or positive ageing policy sets this as a goal and encour...
Health literacy as a key to healthy ageing in Europe
Health literacy healthy ageing Europe
In the face of demographic change the older population represents an important group to look at:What helps them to remain or recover their health, how can they participate in society and age successfu...
Population ageing is taking place the world over especially in more developed first world countries. Given the hackneyed negative stereotypes surrounding ageing societies, there is a move towards refr...
The International Federation of Ageing (IFA):Is an international non-governmental organization (NGO) with a membership base comprising government, NGOs, industry, academia and individuals in 70 countr...
This study assesses the 2002 world health organisation Active Ageing Framework and how it applies to developing countries using data from Zambia. Up to date, there is little or no evidence of studies ...
Ageing research in community psychology:Where are our elders?
Ageing research community psychology elders
The aim of this paper is to map and critique the work of community psychology in the field of ageing. A content analysis (from 1973 to 2012) of four key international community psychology journals ide...
Ageing and national development in Nigeria: Costly assumptions and challenges for the future
Ageing Costly-assumptions Development
The Nigeria ageing population is becoming increasingly visible with its attendant challenges. This article attempts to set the tone for a pragmatic discourse on “costly assumptions” being made on the ...