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《The Quarterly Journal of Economics》Volume 137, Issue 4 November 2022
《The Quarterly Journal of Economics》 Volume 137 Issue 4 November 2022
《The Quarterly Journal of Economics》Volume 137, Issue 4 November 2022.
《The Quarterly Journal of Economics》Volume 137, Issue 3 August 2022
《The Quarterly Journal of Economics》 Volume 137 Issue 3 August 2022
《The Quarterly Journal of Economics》Volume 137, Issue 3 August 2022.
《The Quarterly Journal of Economics》 Volume 137, Issue 2 May 2022
《The Quarterly Journal of Economics》 Volume 137 Issue 2 May 2022
《The Quarterly Journal of Economics》 Volume 137, Issue 2 May 2022.
《The Quarterly Journal of Economics》 Volume 137, Issue 1 February 2022
《The Quarterly Journal of Economics》 Volume 137 Issue 1 February 2022
《The Quarterly Journal of Economics》 Volume 137, Issue 1 February 2022.
南京大学何成洲教授应邀担任New Theatre Quarterly特约主编
南京大学 何成洲 教授 New Theatre Quarterly 特约主编 英美文学与文化 欧美戏剧 比较文学
近日,我校艺术学院、外国语学院何成洲教授应邀担任国际知名学术期刊、A&HCI检索期刊New Theatre Quarterly (新剧场季刊,剑桥大学出版社)的“特约主编”(Contributing editor)和编委。何成洲为教育部长江学者特聘教授、欧洲科学院外籍院士、教育部艺术学理论类教学指导委员会副主任,主要研究领域为:英美文学与文化、欧美戏剧、比较文学、批评理论。在国内外出版中英文学术著...
山东大学哲学与社会发展学院李淼副教授两篇论文分别在Information,Communication & Society和The China Quarterly发表
山东大学哲学与社会发展学院 李淼 副教授 论文 Information,Communication & Society The China Quarterly
近日,山东大学哲学与社会发展学院社会学系李淼副教授署名第一作者的论文“Shehui Ren: Cultural Production and Rural Youths’ Use of the Kuaishou Video-sharing App in Eastern China”被社会学与传播学国际顶级期刊Information, Communication & Society(《信息、传播与社会...
The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology
Auditory lexical decision Morphologically complex words
Taylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the “Content”)
contained in the publications on our platform. However, Taylor & Francis, our agents, and our
The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology
Visual speech Prosody Lexical stress Spoken-word recognition
Visual cues to the individual segments of speech and to sentence prosody guide speech recognition. The present study tested whether visual suprasegmental cues to the stress patterns of words can also ...
CEO and CFO Career Penalties to Missing Quarterly Analysts Forecasts
Earnings Management Governing and Advisory Boards Compensation and Benefits Managerial Roles Personal Development and Career
We find that missing the quarterly analyst consensus earnings forecast is associated with career penalties in the form of a reduced bonus, smaller equity grants, and a greater chance of forced dismiss...
中国科学院大气物理研究所周天军研究员应邀担任英国皇家气象学会季刊Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society编委
周天军 英国皇家气象学会季刊 气象
应英国皇家气象学会季刊Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society(简称QJ)主编、利兹大学地球和环境学院Doug Parker教授的邀请,中科院大气物理研究所LASG国家重点实验室周天军研究员担任QJ的编委,任期5年。
Plant Protection Quarterly is an Australian journal with an international circulation that publishes original papers on all aspects of plant protection. Topics represented cover all aspects of the pro...
WISE沈凯玲助理教授在《Quarterly Journal of Economics》期刊发表学术论文
WISE沈凯玲助理教授 Quarterly Journal of Economics 期刊 学术论文
近日,厦门大学王亚南经济研究院沈凯玲助理教授与美国加州大学圣芭芭拉分校Peter Kuhn教授在经济学国际英文学术期刊《Quarterly Journal of Economics》2013年第1期发表题为“Gender Discrimination in Job Ads: Evidence from China”的学术论文。

Since 1960 the International Philosophical Quarterly has provided an international forum in English for the exchange of basic philosophical ideas. The journal is open to the philosophical discussion o...
The Center for Respect of Life and Environment was founded in 1986 to fosteran ethic of compassion toward all sentient beings and respect for the integrityof nature. This ethic urges each of us to exp...
The Quarterly Journal of Economics is the oldest professional journal of economics in the English language. Edited at Harvard University's Department of Economics, it covers all aspects of the field -...