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经济低迷、难民危机、恐怖袭击等多重因素促动了欧洲排外主义的回潮。 以反全球化、反移民、反多元主义等为宗旨的排外主义给欧洲社会及其内部移民带来了深 刻的影响。作为欧洲移民群体一部分的华侨华人也难逃其殃,甚至可能成为“替罪羊”。 尽管华人社会也作出了一定应对,但仍存在诸多局限。华侨华人在不断成长与反思的同 时,还需要加强自身内部团结,融入主流社会与政治,联合各方反排外力量,借助更多治理 平台,改善与其...
Effects of Racial Diversity on Complex Thinking in College Students
Racial Diversity Complex Thinking College Students
An experiment varying the racial (Black, White) and opinion composition in small-group discussions was conducted with college students (N = 357) at three universities to test for effects on the percei...
ipropose to investigate certain figures present in the discourse
related to the memory and the history of the recent past in
Argentina. There is a term frequently applied to the period of
Competition theory of ethnic/racial conflict and protest
Competition theory ethnic/racial conflict protest
Competition theory of race and ethnic conflict specifies three mechanisms under which racial/ethnic conflict and protest occurs. The first reflects a familiar “racial threat” argument, suggesting that...
Prisoners and Paupers: The Impact of Group Threat on Incarceration in NineteenthCentury U.S. Cities
ethnic and racial competition group threat social control
This article uses data on prisoners incarcerated for misdemeanors in late-nineteenth-century U.S. cities to assess a three-part argument that asserts that threats to white dominance prompted efforts o...
Race, Legality, and the Social Policy Consequences of AntiImmigration Mobilization
welfare state immigration race politics social movements
With the dramatic rise in the U.S. Hispanic population, scholars have struggled to explain how race affects welfare state development beyond the Black-White divide. This article uses a comparative ana...
Breaking the Caste Barrier: Intergenerational Mobility in India
Breaking Caste Barrier Intergenerational Mobility India
We contrast the intergenerational mobility rates of the historically disadvantaged scheduled castes and tribes (SC / ST) in India with the rest of the workforce in terms of their education attainment,...
Workplace Identities of Women in the US Labor Market
Gender Identity Workplace Labor Market
In this paper, I examine the effects of gender and race/ethnicity on American workers’ workplace identities. Literature on gender, work, and occupation suggests that gender and race are significant pr...
The Sociological Determination: A Reflexive Look at Conducting Local Disaster Research after Hurricane Katrina
Disaster Research Hurricane Katrina Reflexivity Sampling Methods Representativeness
This paper examines the process of collecting data on New Orleanians affected by Hurricane Katrina. It does so by focusing upon the experiences of local researchers who were simultaneously conducting ...
Stigma Allure and White Antiracist Identity Management
stigma identity whiteness racism antiracism
This article examines how ‘‘white antiracists’’ manage a perceived, and sometimes selfimposed,stigma. Given that whiteness and antiracism are often framed as antonyms, white engagement with matters co...
Becoming Black Women: Intimate Stories and Intersectional Identities
race gender class sexuality social identity intersectionality qualitative methods stories
In this article, I argue that intimate stories are an important resource for the achievement of intersectional identities. Drawing on in-depth interviews with black college students at two predominant...