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2023年7月19日,中国科学院深圳先进技术研究院合成生物学研究所钟超研究员与中国科学院上海有机化学研究所生物与化学交叉研究中心刘聪研究员共同通讯在国际知名学术期刊Chemical Society Reviews在线发表题为“Rational design of functional amyloid fibrillar assemblies”的综述,并被选为封面文章于7月17日在线发表。文章综合了...
The CSPB comprises undergraduate and graduate students as well as professional scientists. Members have interests in: genomics, molecular and cell biology, bioinformatics, biotechnology, plant develop...
The Australian Society of Plant Scientists (ASPS) is an incorporated society (ABN: 19 612 119 821) that promotes Plant Science in Australia, and provides professional contact within our community of r...
Journal of the American Chemical Society:揭示卟啉类化合物破坏猪伪狂犬病毒G-四链体结构的新机制(图)
近日,国际学术期刊Journal of the American Chemical Society在线发表了华中农业大学动物科学技术学院、动物医学院位灯国教授团队和英国伦敦大学学院(UCL)药学院Shozeb Haider教授合作研究成果,题为“Mechanistic Insights into the Ligand-Induced Unfolding of an RNA G-Quadruplex...
中国地质大学科学技术发展院柯宇铮(硕士研究生), 韩凤禄等,地球科学学院. PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY B-BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES(2021), A large and unusually thick-shelled turtle egg with embryonic remains from the Upper Cretaceous of China(图)
2021年8月18日,国际著名生物学期刊《PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY B-BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES》在线刊发了我校有关白垩纪晚期的含有胚胎的龟鳖类蛋化石的研究成果——A large and unusually thick-shelled turtle egg with embryonic remains from the Upper Cretac...
中国地质大学科学技术发展院胡家铭(硕士生),盛桂莲*等,环境学院/BGEG国家重点实验室,Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences (2021), Ancient mitochondrial genomes from Chinese cave hyenas provide insights into the evolutionary history of the genus Crocuta(图)
2021年1月27日,中国地质大学赖旭龙教授领导的古DNA研究团队与德国波兹坦大学、丹麦哥本哈根大学等单位合作研究的成果“Ancient mitochondrial genomes from Chinese cave hyenas provide insights into the evolutionary history of the genus Crocuta(中国洞鬣狗古线粒体基因组为斑鬣狗...
山东大学曹鸿志教授课题组研究成果在Journal of the American Chemical Society发表(图)
山东大学 曹鸿志 教授 研究成果 Journal of the American Chemical Society
近日,山东大学国家糖工程技术研究中心曹鸿志教授课题组在国际权威化学期刊Journal of the American Chemical Society(《美国化学会会志》,IF:14.357)上在线发表了题为“Redox-Controlled Site-Specific α2‒6-Sialylation”的研究论文。山东大学为本论文唯一通讯作者单位,曹鸿志教授为论文通讯作者。来自加州大...
湖南大学楚霞教授课题组在《Journal of the American Chemical Society》发文:仿生矿化的金属-有机框架纳米颗粒实现天然活性蛋白质在活细胞中的高效递送(图)
湖南大学 楚霞 教授 课题组 仿生矿化 金属-有机框架纳米颗粒 天然活性蛋白质 活细胞 高效递送
近日,湖南大学化学化工学院楚霞教授课题组在蛋白质的活细胞递送领域取得重要进展。相关研究成果以题为“Biomineralized Metal-Organic Framework Nanoparticles Enables Intracellular Delivery and Endo-Lysosomal Release of Native Active Proteins”的研究论文发表于国际权威期刊...
2018第29届欧洲生物材料学会年会(29th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Biomaterials)
2018 第29届 欧洲生物材料学会 年会
A warm welcome to the 29th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Biomaterials that will take place on September 9–13, 2018 in Maastricht, the Netherlands! The theme of this year’s conference is “...
On behalf of the organizing committee, it is a pleasure for us to welcome all the delegates and their guests to the 54th Annual Meeting of the Society for Cryobiology in the city of Hefei, Anhui Provi...
全球华人生物学家大会暨第十六届美洲华人生物科学学会学术研讨会(The global conference of Chinese biologists and the sixteenth American Chinese society of Biological Sciences)
全球华人 生物学家大会 第十六届 美洲华人生物科学学会 学术研讨会
I am happy to announce that the 16th SCBA International Symposium will be held in Hangzhou, China from June 29th to July 2nd, 2017. This biannual SCBA symposium is one of the main activities organized...
日本神经科学学会第40次年会(The 40th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society)
日本神经科学学会 第40次 年会
Neuroscience 2017, the 40th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society, will be held at Makuhari Messe over a three-day period from July 20 (Thursday) to 22 (Saturday), 2017. In addition, specia...
中国生物工程学会第二届青年科技论坛(China Society of Biotechnology Young Scientists Forum II)
中国生物工程学会 第二届 青年科技 论坛
2016 Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society Asia Pacific Meeting (TERMIS-AP 2016)
stem cells cell therapy
Welcome to the 2016 Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society- Asia Pacific Meeting (TERMIS-AP 2016), in Tamsui Township near Taipei city, Taiwan from September 3rd to Septemb...