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Hydrological simulation of a small forested catchment under different land use and forest management
Hydrological Modeling Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) Atlantic Rainforest Eucalyptus
The alteration of landscapes by humans has led to a gradual increase in the scarcity of water and degradation of its quality ([24]). Over the last decades, there has been a growing consensus that the ...
The Effect of Alternative Forest Management Models on the Forest Harvest and Emissions as Compared to the Forest Reference Level
forest management models carbon sink forest harvest forest reference level production forests multifunctional forests set-aside forests
Background and Objectives: Under the Paris Agreement, the European Union (EU) sets rules for accounting the greenhouse gas emissions and removals from forest land (FL). According to these rules, the a...
Soil water deficit as a tool to measure water stress and inform silvicultural management in the Cape Forest Regions, South Africa
Soil Water Availability Climatic Gradient Slash Pine Monterey Pine Edaphic Properties
An understanding of variations in water availability to plantation forests on a spatial and temporal scale is essential when designing risk averse and site-specific silvicultural management regimes. V...
Family Forest Owners’ Perception of Management and Thinning Operations in Young Dense Forests: A Survey from Sweden
harvesting biomass bioenergy attitudes small-scale forestry
A Mediterranean holm oak forest was subjected to experimental partial rainfall exclusion during 21 consecutive years to study the effects of the expected decrease in water availability for Mediterrane...
The Influence of Forest Management and Changed Hydrology on Soil Biochemical Properties in a Central-European Floodplain Forest
ground-water soil carbon microbial activity microbial biomass sulfates manganese iron C:N salinization climate change
Anthropogenic modifications to water regimes are one of the main factors threatening the stability and existence of floodplain forests. This study presents an analysis of topsoil biogeochemistry withi...
Productivity of Eucalyptus pellita in Sumatra: Acacia mangium Legacy, Response to Phosphorus, and Site Variables for Guiding Management
Indonesia eucalypt and acacia plantations production multiple rotations conservative-zero-till management phosphorus response soil-stand variables adaptive management
We report on experimental studies conducted in South Sumatra with interrelated objectives to (i) examine the trends in production covering 30 years, including three rotations of Acacia mangium followe...
Development of Semantic Maps of Vegetation Cover from UAV Images to Support Planning and Management in Fine-Grained Fire-Prone Landscapes
U-Net convolutional neural network (CNN) shrub detection heterogeneous land cover mapping UAV imagery Mediterranean forest
In Mediterranean landscapes, the encroachment of pyrophytic shrubs is a driver of more frequent and larger wildfires. The high-resolution mapping of vegetation cover is essential for sustainable land ...
Forest Dynamics Models for Conservation, Restoration, and Management of Small Forests
simulation model smixed-species models spatially explicit model sempirical models process-based models mechanistic models
Globally, there are myriad situations in which people aim to conserve, restore, or manage forest ecosystems at small spatial scales of 50 ha or less. To inform management, forest dynamics models provi...
Silvopasture in the USA: A systematic review of natural resource professional and producer-reported benefits, challenges, and management activities
Silvopasture Silvopastoral Forest grazing Agroforestry Climate smart agriculture Ecosystem services
Silvopasture is the deliberate integration of trees, forage, and grazing livestock on the same piece of land. These agroecosystems are intensively managed for multiple benefits, providing both short-a...

《Pest Management Science》《International Journal of Food Microbiology》连续刊发党向利副教授在昆虫抗菌肽及免疫领域研究成果(图)
昆虫 抗菌肽 免疫领域 小菜蛾
近日,安徽农业大学植物保护学院党向利副教授在农林科学领域国际权威期刊《Pest Management Science》(中科院1区,Top)上发表了题为“Antibacterial mechanism of the novel antimicrobial peptide Jelleine-Ic and its efficacy in controlling Pseudomonas syringae...

Journal of Environmental Management—陈捷教授团队揭示基于木霉-芽孢杆菌共培养技术开发作物秸秆高效降解技术新策略(图)
上海交通大学农业与生物学院 陈捷 木霉 芽孢杆菌 农作物秸秆 微生物酶解
近日,上海交通大学农业与生物学院陈捷教授团队在Journal of Environmental Management在线发表了题为Co-cultivation of T. asperellum GDFS1009 and B. amyloliquefaciens 1841:Strategy to regulate the production of ligno-cellulolytic enzyme...

Potential for fisheries co-management shaped by interplay between formal, informal institutions(图)
Potential fisheries co-management shaped interplay between formal informal institutions
Integrating local norms and fishers' knowledge into regulations helps increase trust in management institutions, and can make it easier for co-management to work.Those were the findings of U.S. N...
Optimized nitrogen management enhances lodging resistance of rice and its morpho-anatomical, mechanical, and molecular mechanisms
氮素管理 水稻 抗倒伏性 OPT
Reducing nitrogen surplus and environmental losses by optimized nitrogen and water management in double rice cropping system of South China
Nitrogen use efficiency N management Water management N surplus Environmental N losses