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南京农业大学农学院《Nature Plants》发表李姗教授课题组“Improving rice nitrogen-use efficiency by modulating a novel monouniquitination machinery for optimal root plasticity response to nitrogen”(图)
李姗 调控水稻根系 分子机制 基因资源
2023年10月7日,Nature plants在线发表了南京农业大学李姗教授团队题为“Improving rice nitrogen-use efficiency by modulating a novel monouniquitination machinery for optimal root plasticity response to nitrogen”的研究论文。该团队在水稻中鉴定到一...
中国农业科学院农业经济与发展研究所国际农业经济与贸易创新团队钱宸在《Land Use Policy》发表文章
中国农业科学院农业经济与发展研究所 国际农业经济与贸易创新团队 钱宸 Land Use Policy 土地确权 农村土地制度

南京农业大学农学院《New Phytologist》发表耕作制度与农田生态课题组“Temporal complementarity be tween roots and mycorrhizal fungi drives wheat nitrogen use efficiency”(图)
耕作制度 农田生态
2022年8月28日,南京农业大学耕作制度与农田生态课题组的最新研究成果“Temporal complementarity be tween roots and mycorrhizal fungi drives wheat nitrogen use efficiency”在New Phytologist上发表。该成果揭示了氮高效小麦品种在花前依赖根系吸收氮素而花后依赖丛枝菌根真菌(AMF)促进花前...

南京农业大学农学院《New Phytologist》发表耕作制度与农田生态课题组“Temporal complementarity be tween roots and mycorrhizal fungi drives wheat nitrogen use efficiency”.(图)
耕作制度 农田生态 籽粒生物
2022年8月28日,南京农业大学耕作制度与农田生态课题组的最新研究成果“Temporal complementarity be tween roots and mycorrhizal fungi drives wheat nitrogen use efficiency”在New Phytologist上发表。该成果揭示了氮高效小麦品种在花前依赖根系吸收氮素而花后依赖丛枝菌根真菌(AMF)促进花前...

白建江(2021)SLAF-Based linkage map construction and QTL mapping of nitrogen use efficiency in rice (Oryza sativa L.) (图)
氮素 水稻 Nipponbare OM052 氮肥利用率
Researchers use artificial intelligence to unlock extreme weather mysteries
extreme weather machine algorithm forecasting weather change
A new machine learning approach helps scientists understand why extreme precipitation days in the Midwest are becoming more frequent. It could also help scientists better predict how these and other e...
Decades of research brings quantum dots to brink of widespread use
LED colloidal quantum dots semiconductor LSC
A new article gives an overview of almost three decades of research into colloidal quantum dots, assesses the technological progress for these nanometer-sized specs of semiconductor matter, and weighs...
Reducing antibiotic use in primary care may be insufficient alone to curtail antimicrobial resistance
antibiotics AMR E. coli primary care
Strategies to reduce antibiotic prescribing in primary care are insufficient alone to halt the rise in drug resistant E. coli infections in England, a new report concludes.
Researchers used the City of Pittsburgh to create a model built upon the design, materials and purpose of commercial buildings to estimate their energy usage and emissions.

近日,国际著名期刊《Land Use Policy》正式公布了新一届编辑委员会(https://www.journals.elsevier.com/land-use-policy/editorial-board),我会副理事长、中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所研究员、中国科学院区域可持续发展分析与模拟重点实验室主任刘彦随受聘担任副主编。负责来自亚太地区土地科学研究领域论文的评审、复审和优秀学术论文推...

日前,华南农业大学国家农业制度与发展研究院罗必良教授与其博士研究生邹宝玲、团队外聘专家Mishra教授合作的论文Aging population, farm succession, and farmland usage: Evidence from rural China(人口老龄化、农业继承与农地使用:来自中国农村的证据),在国际知名的土地政策TOP期刊Land Use Policy上发表。(文...
“Land Use Policy”专刊“Land use and rural sustainability in China”近日正式出版
Land Use Policy Land use and rural sustainability in China 地理科学 资源研究所
基于土地利用与乡村可持续发展国际学术研讨会(西安,2016年8月17-20日)论文交流的成果,在“Land Use Policy”的高度重视和大力支持下,地理资源所刘彦随、龙花楼、李玉恒担任客座主编,精选了31篇学术论文辑成专刊“Land use and rural sustainability in China”,近日正式出版。
The use of hyperspectral remote sensing for mapping the age composition of forest stands
age classification forestry hyperspectral object oriented segmentation spruce
The paper deals with the issue of mapping the age composition of stand groups using hyperspectral imagery acquired by the AISA Eagle VNIR sensor in the Bíly Kříž locality in the Moravian-Sil...
Use of waste material mixtures for energy purposes in small combustion devices
biomass additives cocoa husks brown coal coal sludge net calorific value emission
The article assesses the energy use of solid biofuels (wheat and rape straw) and their blends with suitable additives (cocoa husks, brown coal and coal sludge). The elemental and stoichiometric analys...
近日出版的《Land Use Policy》发表了我所邓祥征博士和黄季焜研究员以及加州大学(Davis) Scott Rozelle 教授和Emi Uchida博士共同撰写的题为“Cultivated Land Conversion and Potential Agricultural Productivity in China”的论文。该论文利用中科院资源环境数据中心的遥感数据与中科院农业政策研...