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第七届Nano Today大会召开(图)
第七届 Nano Today 大会召开

重庆大学《Nano Materials Science》英文刊举办第2期“纳米材料科学论坛”(图)
重庆大学 Nano Materials Science 英文刊 纳米材料科学 论坛
为加强纳米材料科学学术交流,促进科技发展,2020年8月5日晚上,重庆大学主办的英文学术期刊《Nano Materials Science》(简称NMS)与纳米人路漫研究院联合推出“纳米材料科学论坛”第2期。由于疫情原因,本次论坛仍采用腾讯会议及直播方式举行,由香港城市大学副校长、NMS主编吕坚院士主持,NMS副主编、国家杰青、中国科学院金属研究所刘畅研究员,NMS编委、美国康涅狄格大学化学和生物...
2018年纳米工程和多功能混凝土国际研讨会(2018 International Workshop on Nano-Engineered and Multifunctional Concrete)
2018年 纳米工程 多功能混凝土 国际研讨会
As the most widely used construction material in the world, modern concrete is facing the increasing challenges for satisfying the requirements of safety and functionality of structures. Many studies ...
4M was established as a Network of Excellence under the European Framework Program 6 (FP6) to develop Micro- and Nano- Technology (MNT) for the batch-manufacture of micro-components and devices in a v...
2018年SPIE纳米,生物,信息技术传感器和3D系统会议(SPIE Nano-, Bio-, Info-Tech Sensors and 3D Systems)
2018年 SPIE 纳米 生物 信息技术传感器 3D系统 会议
This conference considers new ideas, technologies, and potential applications across a wide range of disciplines critical to nano-, bio-, and info-technologies based sensors and systems as applied to ...
2018年SPIE生物和纳米混合光子和电子材料和器件会议(SPIE Bio and Nano Hybrid Photonic and Electronic Materials and Devices 2018)
2018年 SPIE 生物和纳米混合光子和电子材料和器件 会议
This conference, Bio and Nano Hybrid Photonic and Electronic Materials and Devices, is sponsored by SPIE Optics + Photonics as part of the Nanoscience + Engineering track. It was first launched in 200...
2018年SPIE先进微/纳米光学和光子学制造技术会议(SPIE Advanced Fabrication Technologies for Micro/Nano Optics and Photonics XI)
2018年 SPIE 先进微/纳米光学和光子学制造技术 会议
2018年SPIE先进微/纳米光学和光子学制造技术会议(SPIE Advanced Fabrication Technologies for Micro/Nano Optics and Photonics XI)。

FUNSOM-ACS NANO双边学术研讨会于2017年8月24-25日在独墅湖校区909楼B厅会议室成功举行。会议邀请了国际知名期刊ACS NANO主编、美国加州大学洛杉矶分校Paul S. Weiss教授,以及5位副主编,分别是香港城市大学Andrey L. Rogach教授、新加坡国立大学Andrew T. S. Wee教授、美国德雷塞尔大学Yury Gogotsi教授、澳大利亚墨尔本大学P...
2017国际微纳尺度热辐射研讨会(The 2017 International Workshop on Nano-Micro Thermal Radiation)
2017 国际微纳尺度热辐射 研讨会
Nano-microscale thermal radiation has received significant attention due to its potential application to energy harvesting, nanomanufacturing, heat flow regulation, thermal imaging and local heating b...
2017OSA集成光子学研究,硅和纳米光子学专题会议(Integrated Photonics Research,Silicon,and Nano-Photonics)
2017 OSA 集成光子学研究,硅和纳米光子学 专题会议
IPR brings together experts from both academia and industry for an open discussion of cutting-edge research, trends and problems. IPR 2016 will continue with the broadened scope started in 2015, which...
We warmly welcome you to the International Nano-Optoelectronics Workshop 2017 (iNOW-2017) held in Tianjin, Qian’an, and Chengde, China. The physics of nanoscale materials and optoelectronic devices ba...
2017纳米机械接口戈登学术会议(The 2017 Gordon Research Conference on Nano-Mechanical Interfaces)
2017年 纳米机械接口戈登 会议
his 3rd GRC on Nanomechanical Interfaces in 2017 will focus on the multidisciplinary nature of mechanics of interfaces: from bio- to nano- to chemo- and opto-. Topics and sessions will be centered aro...
2017年国际等离子体和纳米光子学研讨会(International Symposium On Plasmonics and Nano-photonics ) (iSPN)
The International Symposium On Plasmonics and Nano-photonics (iSPN) aims to build a platform for scientists in the field of Electromagnetics and Plasmonics, for discussing their latest research result...
2017年第12届IEEE纳米/微米工程及分子系统国际会议(2017 IEEE 12th International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems )(NEMS)
2017年 第12届 IEEE纳米/微米工程及分子系统 国际会议
The IEEE-NEMS is a premier conference series sponsored by the IEEE Nanotechnology Council focusing on the promotion of advanced research areas related to MEMS, nanotechnology, and molecular technology...
2017等离子体光学和纳米光学国际研讨会(The International Symposium On Plasmonics and Nano-photonics) (iSPN)
2017年 等离子体光学 纳米光学 研讨会
The International Symposium On Plasmonics and Nano-photonics (iSPN) aims to build a platform for scientists in the field of Electromagnetics and Plasmonics, for discussing their latest research result...